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to District Bar Associations,Jind

The Bar Association appeals to all to save the Girl Child

Justice Delayed ,Justice Denied.

It is not wisdom but Authority that makes a law.

The Safety of the people shall be the highest law

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

The ignorant work for their own profit,

Arjun : The wise work for the welfare of the world , without thought for theselves.

Congratulations All DBA Jind Elected Bar Member's PRESIDENT Sh. Rakesh Malik , VICE PRESIDENT Asish Deswal , SECRETARY Sh. Vinod Shokand ,Joint SECRETARY Deepak Saini ,

District & Session Judge

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Sh. Yashvir Singh Rathor

Message to District Bar Association, Read More


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Sh. Mohd Imran Raza , IAS Deputy Commissioner in Jind . Read More


Icon 3Sh. Sumit Kumar, IPS
Supdt.of Police,
Jind Read More


It is my honor and privilege to serve as vice president of district bar association, Jind .
A thank all the esteemed members of the association for giving me an opportunity to serve and strengthen the fraternity by electing me to this, coveted post of the esteemed organization.
Our association has a reach history and i assume that i will endeavor to carry forward the same to watch the interest of all members and specially look after young colleague in their initial days in profession.


Adv. Asish Deswal (VICE PRESIDENT )

Vice President , Bar Association Jind

Addresss :- Chamber No 00

Mobile No - +91-9813545476

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