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to District Bar Associations,Jind

The Bar Association appeals to all to save the Girl Child

Justice Delayed ,Justice Denied.

It is not wisdom but Authority that makes a law.

The Safety of the people shall be the highest law

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

The ignorant work for their own profit,

Arjun : The wise work for the welfare of the world , without thought for theselves.

Congratulations All DBA Jind Elected Bar Member's 2024-2025 PRESIDENT Sh. Vikas Lohan , VICE PRESIDENT Vishal Khatkar , SECRETARY Sh. Sandeep Kaushik ,Joint SECRETARY Vijay Solankhi ,

District & Session Judge

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Sh. Yashvir Singh Rathor

Message to District Bar Association, Read More


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Sh. Mohd Imran Raza , IAS Deputy Commissioner in Jind . Read More


Icon 3Sh. Rajesh Kumar, IPS, IPS
Supdt.of Police,
Jind Read More

Sr.  Year President Secretary
1 1983-84 Sh. Daya Krishan Sh. Bharat  Singh Saini
2 1984-85 Sh. Daya Singh Sh. D.D. Attri
3 1985-86 Sh. Zile Singh Khatkar Sh. J.N. Bhardwaj
4 1986-87 Sh. Balbir Singh Dhull Sh. N.K. Kansal
5 1987-88 Sh. Chatter Singh Lather Sh. O.P. Bansal
6 1988-89 Sh. K.N. Singh Sh. Kr. Rampal Singh Rana
7 1989-90 Sh. Inder Singh Malik Sh.  Mehander Singh Dhull
8 1990-91 Sh. Balwan Singh Lohan Sh. Daya Nand Batra
9 1991-92 Sh. Dhoop Singh Lohan Sh. Chand Parkash Saini
10 1992-93 Sh. P.K. Gupta Sh. Mehander Redhal
11 1993-94 Sh. Jagphul Khatkar Sh.Ajay Kumar Singal
12 1994-95 Sh. Des Raj Poonia Sh. Dhanvir Singh lochab
13 1995-96 Sh. Mehtab SinghPoria Sh. Harpal Singh Boora
14 1996-97 Sh. J.N. Mittal Sh. Surender Beragi
15 1997-98 Sh. Balraj Sheoran Sh. Jasbir Dhanda
16 1998-99 Sh. Balraj Sheoran Sh. Sangram Singh 
17 1999-2000 Sh. Bharat Singh Saini Sh. Virender Singh malik
18 2000-01 Sh. Bharat Singh Nain Sh. Pawanjeet Saini
19 2001-02 Sh. K.D. Nain Sh. Kamal Sheoran
20 2002-03 Sh. K.K. Chahal Sh. Jitender Pahal
21 2003-04 Sh. Virender Singh Lather  Sh. Jasbir Singh Dhull
22 2004-05 Sh. Ishwar Singh Sheokand Sh. Sunehra Singh Dhillon
23 2005-06 Sh. Balraj Sheoran Sh. Virender Poria
24 2006-07 Sh. Dhram Pal Deswal Sh. Devender Lohan 
25 2007-08 Sh. Kr. Rampal  Singh Rana Sh. Anil Lather 
26 2008-09 Sh. J.B. Goyal Sh.Yogesh Yadav
27 2009-10 Sh. K.K. Bhanwala Sh. Rainish Garg
28 2010-11 Sh. K.S. Dhanda Sh. V.P. Singh
29 2011-12 Sh. Manjit Singh Sheoran Sh. Dinesh Deswal
30 2012-13 Sh. Jitender Singh Pahal Sh. Gaurav Goel
31 2013-14 Sh. Jasbir Singh Dhull Sh. Sandeep Lather
32 2014-15 Sh. Virender Singh Mor Sh. Navneet Saini
33 2015-16 Sh. Mukesh Lather Sh. Ram Roop Chahal
34 2016-17 Sh. Devinder Lohan Sh. Shamsher Singh Jaglan
35 2017-18 Sh. Jasbir Singh Kundu Sh. Surender Redhu
36 2018-19 Sh. Balraj Sheoran Sh. Sanjeet Malik
37 2019-20 Sh. Rajesh Goyat Sh. Rakesh Malik
38 2020-21 Sh. Rajesh Goyat Sh. Dilbag Naidu
39 2021-22 Sh. Ramroop Chahal Sh. Dev Raj Malik