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to District Bar Associations,Jind

The Bar Association appeals to all to save the Girl Child

Justice Delayed ,Justice Denied.

It is not wisdom but Authority that makes a law.

The Safety of the people shall be the highest law

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

The ignorant work for their own profit,

Arjun : The wise work for the welfare of the world , without thought for theselves.

Congratulations All DBA Jind Elected Bar Member's 2024-2025 PRESIDENT Sh. Vikas Lohan , VICE PRESIDENT Vishal Khatkar , SECRETARY Sh. Sandeep Kaushik ,Joint SECRETARY Vijay Solankhi ,

District & Session Judge

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Sh. Yashvir Singh Rathor

Message to District Bar Association, Read More


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Sh. Mohd Imran Raza , IAS Deputy Commissioner in Jind . Read More


Icon 3Sh. Rajesh Kumar, IPS, IPS
Supdt.of Police,
Jind Read More

Judical Courts Started Functioning In new judicial complex 1st July 1983 and bar association was also established in the year 1983, under the President ship of Sh. Chatter Singh Lather , Advocate and the organization level of Bar Association is given below:-
  1. President
  2. Vice- President
  3. General Secretary
  4. Joint Secretary

President & Secretary 1983 to 2024

Sr.  Year President Secretary
1 1983-84 Sh. Daya Krishan Sh. Bharat  Singh Saini
2 1984-85 Sh. Daya Singh Sh. D.D. Attri
3 1985-86 Sh. Zile Singh Khatkar Sh. J.N. Bhardwaj
4 1986-87 Sh. Balbir Singh Dhull Sh. N.K. Kansal
5 1987-88 Sh. Chatter Singh Lather Sh. O.P. Bansal
6 1988-89 Sh. K.N. Singh Sh. Kr. Rampal Singh Rana
7 1989-90 Sh. Inder Singh Malik Sh.  Mehander Singh Dhull
8 1990-91 Sh. Balwan Singh Lohan Sh. Daya Nand Batra
9 1991-92 Sh. Dhoop Singh Lohan Sh. Chand Parkash Saini
10 1992-93 Sh. P.K. Gupta Sh. Mehander Redhal
11 1993-94 Sh. Jagphul Khatkar Sh.Ajay Kumar Singal
12 1994-95 Sh. Des Raj Poonia Sh. Dhanvir Singh lochab
13 1995-96 Sh. Mehtab SinghPoria Sh. Harpal Singh Boora
14 1996-97 Sh. J.N. Mittal Sh. Surender Beragi
15 1997-98 Sh. Balraj Sheoran Sh. Jasbir Dhanda
16 1998-99 Sh. Balraj Sheoran Sh. Sangram Singh 
17 1999-2000 Sh. Bharat Singh Saini Sh. Virender Singh malik
18 2000-01 Sh. Bharat Singh Nain Sh. Pawanjeet Saini
19 2001-02 Sh. K.D. Nain Sh. Kamal Sheoran
20 2002-03 Sh. K.K. Chahal Sh. Jitender Pahal
21 2003-04 Sh. Virender Singh Lather  Sh. Jasbir Singh Dhull
22 2004-05 Sh. Ishwar Singh Sheokand Sh. Sunehra Singh Dhillon
23 2005-06 Sh. Balraj Sheoran Sh. Virender Poria
24 2006-07 Sh. Dhram Pal Deswal Sh. Devender Lohan 
25 2007-08 Sh. Kr. Rampal  Singh Rana Sh. Anil Lather 
26 2008-09 Sh. J.B. Goyal Sh.Yogesh Yadav
27 2009-10 Sh. K.K. Bhanwala Sh. Rainish Garg
28 2010-11 Sh. K.S. Dhanda Sh. V.P. Singh
29 2011-12 Sh. Manjit Singh Sheoran Sh. Dinesh Deswal
30 2012-13 Sh. Jitender Singh Pahal Sh. Gaurav Goel
31 2013-14 Sh. Jasbir Singh Dhull Sh. Sandeep Lather
32 2014-15 Sh. Virender Singh Mor Sh. Navneet Saini
33 2015-16 Sh. Mukesh Lather Sh. Ram Roop Chahal
34 2016-17 Sh. Devinder Lohan Sh. Shamsher Singh Jaglan
35 2017-18 Sh. Jasbir Singh Kundu Sh. Surender Redhu
36 2018-19 Sh. Balraj Sheoran Sh. Sanjeet Malik
37 2019-20 Sh. Rajesh Goyat Sh. Rakesh Malik
38 2020-21 Sh. Rajesh Goyat Sh. Dilbag Naidu
39 2021-22 Sh. Ramroop Chahal Sh. Dev Raj Malik
40 2022-23 Sh. Devender Lohan Sh. Vinod Singh
41 2023-24 Sh. Rakesh Malik Sh. Vinod Sheokand
42 2024-25 Sh. Vikas Lohan Sh. Sandeep Kaushik